Dinah et Tonia, nouvelles administratrices au CA

Jason Paré pour Exeko

Dinah et Tonia, nouvelles administratrices au CA

[For ENGLISH, click here]


C'est avec grand plaisir que nous accueillons deux nouvelles administratrices au Conseil d’Administration d’Exeko :

  • Dinah Morency, Direction de l'expertise et du recouvrement international, Revenu Québec
  • Tonia Di Guglielmo, Directrice Générale, APSAM, Association paritaire pour la santé et la sécurité du travail, secteur "Affaires municipales"

Elles sauront apporter à l’organisation de nouvelles perspectives, leur ancrage dans leurs milieux et des éclairages situés à la rencontre de la multiplicité de leurs expériences respectives. Leur expertise en finance vient aussi compléter notre comité d'audit. Au nom de toute l’équipe et des membres actuel.le.s du CA, nous leur souhaitons la bienvenue.

Dinah et Tonia se joignent aux membres actuel.le.s du CA : Antoine Roy-Larouche, Danielle Poulin, François-Xavier Michaux, Jeanne-Marie Rugira, Lourdes Rodriguez del Barrio, Maitée Labrecques Saganash, Mélanie Valcin, Nadia Duguay, Ricardo Lamour, Sara Lyons, Yann Allard-Tremblay.

Nous profitons de l’occasion pour remercier tou.te.s ceux et celles qui nous ont adressé.es leurs intérêts et candidatures ces derniers mois, lors du processus d’appel à candidatures.


   Dinah Morency

Dinah est cadre au sein de la fonction publique québécoise. Bachelière en sciences comptables, elle devient gestionnaire en 2018. Intéressée par l’éthique organisationnelle, elle s’implique au sein de son organisation afin de contribuer aux réflexions collectives pouvant mener à de meilleures pratiques. Au travers de son cheminement professionnel et académique, elle trouve important de s’engager dans son milieu auprès de causes qui lui tiennent à cœur. Elle est l’une des trente ambassadrices et ambassadeurs de la cohorte 2021 du Groupe des Trente, une initiative de Concertation Montréal visant à mettre en valeur des modèles de réussite et à inspirer les membres de communautés ethnoculturelles à s’intéresser aux enjeux de gouvernance et à siéger au sein de conseils d’administration.

D'origine haïtienne, Dinah Morency s'intéresse également de près aux enjeux liés à la diversité ainsi qu'à l'expérience des communautés qui ne sont pas souvent entendues. Marquée par son expérience auprès du Bureau de consultation jeunesse, un organisme qui dessert la communauté et dont elle a bénéficié plus jeune, elle s’implique pendant dix ans au sein du conseil d’administration, dont deux ans à titre de présidente. Au printemps 2021, elle intègre les conseils d’administration de l’Alliance des cadres de l’État et du Centre communautaire juridique de Montréal.



Tonia Di Guglielmo

"Mes enfants m’inspirent à continuellement apprendre, à me questionner, à accepter ma vulnérabilité et à contribuer activement à faire cheminer la pensée collective. À cause d’eux, je suis persuadée que je suis une personne plus courageuse et confiante que la différence, de tout ordre, est une force. Ainsi, je suis inspirée par la possibilité de m’impliquer au sein d’Exeko, une organisation pour qui l’inclusion est au cœur de ses valeurs et, cohéremment, ses actions.

J’occupe la fonction de directrice générale de l’Association paritaire pour la santé et la sécurité du travail, secteur « affaires municipales » (APSAM). L’APSAM a pour mission de faciliter la prise en charge de la prévention par le milieu, de développer et de promouvoir les moyens nécessaires pour protéger la santé, la sécurité et l’intégrité physique du personnel des organismes municipaux du Québec. De plus, j’ai eu l’occasion de travailler pendant plus de 15 ans à concevoir des budgets, proposer des orientations, développer des encadrements, négocier des contrats et fournir des explications aux décideurs politiques et administratifs en tant que gestionnaire au sein du Centre de services scolaires de Montréal (CSSDM). Depuis plus de dix ans, j'ai eu l’opportunité de développer des habiletés en élaboration et en mise en œuvre de plans d’action stratégiques, de programmes de performance, de gestion des ressources humaines, de planification-prévision financière, de contrôle financier et de gestion de la masse salariale.

Enfin, je suis stimulée par la possibilité d’apprendre. En fait, je suis étudiante au DESS en SST à l’université Laval. Je suis également titulaire d’un MBA, d’un DESS en gestion et d’un baccalauréat en sciences avec une spécialisation en psychologie."


Plus d'infos sur nos administrateur.rice.s ? Les biographies du CA sont disponibles en PDF.


[ENGLISH] Thanks to Etienne Mendoza for the French to English translation.


Dinah and Tonia, new administrators to the board of directors

It’s with great pleasure that we are welcoming two new administrators to the board of directors of Exeko :

  • Dinah Morency, Expertise and international recovery management, Revenu Québec
  • Tonia Di Guglielmo, Executive Director, APSAM, Association paritaire pour la santé et la sécurité du travail, "Affaires municipales" area 

They will know how to bring to the organization new perspectives, their presence in their environments and clarifications positioned at the meeting of the plurality of their respective experiences. Their financial expertise also complements our audit committee. On the behalf of the entire team and the current members of the board of directors, we are wishing them welcome.

Dinah and Tonia are joining the current members of the board of directors: Antoine Roy-Larouche, Danielle Poulin, François-Xavier Michaux, Jeanne-Marie Rugira, Lourdes Rodriguez del Barrio, Maitée Labrecques Saganash, Mélanie Valcin, Nadia Duguay, Ricardo Lamour, Sara Lyons, Yann Allard-Tremblay.

We are taking this opportunity to thank everyone who gave us their attention and their applications these last months, during the call for applications process.

Dinah Morency

Dinah is an executive in the Quebec public service. Bachelor in accounting sciences, she becomes manager in 2018. Interested in organizational ethics, she involves herself in the organization in order to contribute to collective thinking that could lead to better practices. Through her professional and academic pathway, she thinks it’s important to commit to causes that are dear to her. She is one of the thirty ambassadors of the 2021 cohort Groupe des Trente, an initiative from Concertation Montréal seeking to highlight successful role models and to inspire ethnocultural communities’ members to be interested in governance issues and to siege among the boards of direction.

Of Haitian origin, Dinah Morency has also taken a close interest in diversity issues as well as the experience of communities who aren’t often heard. Shaped by her experience with the Bureau de consultation jeunesse, an organization serving the community and that she benefited from when she was younger, she is involved in the board of directors for ten years, including two years as a president. In the spring 2021, she joined the boards of directors of the Alliance des cadres de l’État and the Centre communautaire juridique de Montréal.




Tonia Di Guglielmo

"My children inspire me to continue learning, to question myself, to accept my vulnerability and to contribute actively at pushing forward collective thinking. Because of them, I am persuaded that I am a braver and a more confident person; that difference, of all kinds, is strength. Thus, I am inspired by the opportunity of getting involved in Exeko, an organization for who inclusion is at the heart of its values and, coherently, its actions.

I am holding the position of executive director for the Association paritaire pour la santé et la sécurité du travail, "Affaires municipales" area (APSAM). The APSAM’s mission is to make managing the prevention in the workplace easier, to develop and to promote the necessary methods to protect the health, the security and the physical integrity of the municipal bodies of Quebec. Furthermore, I had the opportunity to work for more than 15 years at developing budgets, providing guidance, developing supervisions, negotiating contracts and providing explanations to the administrative and political decision makers as a manager in the Centre de services scolaires de Montréal (CSSDM). For more than ten years, I had the opportunity to develop skills in the development and in the implementation of strategic action plans, performance programs, management of human resources, financial planning/forecasting, financial monitoring and payroll management.

Finally, I am stimulated by the opportunity of learning. In fact, I am a student at SSHGD in SST at Université Laval. I also have a MBA, a SSHGD in management and a bachelor’s degree in sciences majoring in psychology.”


Want more information? The biographies of the board of directors are available in PDF format (in French).  



Établi à Tiohtià:ke/Montréal depuis 2006, Exeko est un organisme d’innovation sociale dont la mission est d’utiliser les arts et la...

Établi à Tiohtià:ke/Montréal depuis 2006, Exeko utilise l'art et la philosophie au service de l’inclusion sociale. Nous collaborons...

À Tiohtià:ke/Montréal depuis 2006, Exeko utilise l'art et la philosophie au service de l’inclusion sociale. Nous collaborons étroitement avec...

Sous la responsabilité de la coordination générale, sous la supervision du responsable des partenariats et en étroite collaboration avec l’équipe...

  • « By engaging with people on a deep level, we see Exeko reinvigorating individual spirit to rebuild society in a new way. Exeko's work is not about small projects, but about achieving full social inclusion at a systemic level. [...] we believe that Exeko will reach a level of systemic impact with Quebec, Canada and the world within 5-10 years. »

    Elisha Muskat, Executive Director, Ashoka Canada

  • « Its goal? To develop reasoning, critical thinking, logic, and increase citizen participation of these marginalized groups. »

    Caroline Monpetit, Le Devoir (free translation)

  • «  I write my thoughts in my head, not on paper, and my thought is not lost. »

    Participant @PACQ

  • « Why use paper when it is as beautiful as this? »

    One of the co-creator for Métissage Urbain

  • « I Have my own identity ! »

    Putulik, Inuit participant, Métissage Urbain

  • « It is terrible for a society to ignore people with such talent! »

    Hélène-Elise Blais, les Muses about ART and ID projects

  • « Art has the advantage to make people talk about abilities rather than limitations, when confronted with an intellectual disability.  »

    Delphine Ragon, Community Programs Manager, Les Compagnons de Montréal

  • « Over the past few years, we have been seeing more and more high quality productions by people with an intellectual disability who truly are artists.  »

    Julie Laloire @AMDI

  • « Exeko implements creative solutions to several problematic, gives a voice to those we don't hear and hope to the underprivileged. »

    Bulletin des YMCA

  • « Its goal? To develop reasoning, critical thinking, logic, and increase citizen participation of these marginalized groups. »

    Caroline Monpetit, Le Devoir (free translation)

  • « ...empowering the children, and giving them confidence »

    APTN National News

  • « It’s a great program for children to learn about their traditions and to increase their interaction with Elders in the community. »

    Erika Eagle, Social Development Assistant with Waswanipi Brighter Future

  • « We are not higher, we are not lower, we are equal. »

    Simeoni, participant idAction Mobile

  • « Receving is good, but giving is better »

    Participant idAction@Kanesatake

  • « They're both people. We're not looking enough after people with problems, and mostly with mental health issues. Then we would have more people able to work. »

    Participant, idAction@Accueil Bonneau

  • « What better way to strengthen intergenerational ties? [...] A meeting between peers, a place for expression, learning and recovery »

    Chantal Potvin, reporter at Innuvelle

  • «  I don't know everything, but while reading it, it always bring me one step closer »

    A participant, idAction Mobile

  • «  By engaging with people on a deep level, we see Exeko reinvigorating individual spirit to rebuild society in a new way. Exeko's work is not about small projects, but about achieving full social inclusion at a systemic level. [...] we believe that Exeko will reach a level of systemic impact with Quebec, Canada and the world within 5-10 years. »

    Elisha Muskat, Executive Director, Ashoka Canada

  • «  ...empowering the children, and giving them confidence »

    APTN National News

  • «  I was completely alone today, thanks for talking to me »

    Elie, participant @idAction Mobile

  • «  They're both people. We're not looking enough after people with problems, and mostly with mental health issues. Then we would have more people able to work. »

    Participant, idAction@Accueil Bonneau

  • «  Today, the power acquired through knowledge is more far-reaching than knowledge itself. »

    André Frossard

  • « By engaging with people on a deep level, we see Exeko reinvigorating individual spirit to rebuild society in a new way. Exeko's work is not about small projects, but about achieving full social inclusion at a systemic level. [...] we believe that Exeko will reach a level of systemic impact with Quebec, Canada and the world within 5-10 years.»
    Elisha Muskat, Executive Director, Ashoka Canada
  • « Exeko implements creative solutions to several problematic, gives a voice to those we don't hear and hope to the underprivileged.»
    Bulletin des YMCA
  • « Over the past few years, we have been seeing more and more high quality productions by people with an intellectual disability who truly are artists. »
    Julie Laloire @AMDI
  • « Art has the advantage to make people talk about abilities rather than limitations, when confronted with an intellectual disability. »
    Delphine Ragon, Community Programs Manager, Les Compagnons de Montréal
  • « It is terrible for a society to ignore people with such talent!»
    Hélène-Elise Blais, les Muses about ART and ID projects
  • « I Have my own identity !»
    Putulik, Inuit participant, Métissage Urbain
  • « Why use paper when it is as beautiful as this?»
    One of the co-creator for Métissage Urbain
  • « I write my thoughts in my head, not on paper, and my thought is not lost.»
    Participant @PACQ
  • « Its goal? To develop reasoning, critical thinking, logic, and increase citizen participation of these marginalized groups.»
    Caroline Monpetit, Le Devoir (free translation)
  • « Its goal? To develop reasoning, critical thinking, logic, and increase citizen participation of these marginalized groups.»
    Caroline Monpetit, Le Devoir (free translation)
  • « Today, the power acquired through knowledge is more far-reaching than knowledge itself.»
    André Frossard
  • « They're both people. We're not looking enough after people with problems, and mostly with mental health issues. Then we would have more people able to work.»
    Participant, idAction@Accueil Bonneau
  • « They're both people. We're not looking enough after people with problems, and mostly with mental health issues. Then we would have more people able to work.»
    Participant, idAction@Accueil Bonneau
  • « We are not higher, we are not lower, we are equal.»
    Simeoni, participant idAction Mobile
  • « I was completely alone today, thanks for talking to me»
    Elie, participant @idAction Mobile
  • « Receving is good, but giving is better»
    Participant idAction@Kanesatake
  • « What better way to strengthen intergenerational ties? [...] A meeting between peers, a place for expression, learning and recovery»
    Chantal Potvin, reporter at Innuvelle
  • «  ...empowering the children, and giving them confidence»
    APTN National News
  • « By engaging with people on a deep level, we see Exeko reinvigorating individual spirit to rebuild society in a new way. Exeko's work is not about small projects, but about achieving full social inclusion at a systemic level. [...] we believe that Exeko will reach a level of systemic impact with Quebec, Canada and the world within 5-10 years.»
    Elisha Muskat, Executive Director, Ashoka Canada
  • « It’s a great program for children to learn about their traditions and to increase their interaction with Elders in the community.»
    Erika Eagle, Social Development Assistant with Waswanipi Brighter Future
  • « ...empowering the children, and giving them confidence»
    APTN National News